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Hang power snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps
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Katie during 15.2.  Don't worry, 15.3 is just around the corner for your weekly fix!

Katie during 15.2. Don’t worry, 15.3 is just around the corner for your weekly fix!

Hello, My Name Is…

Yesterday morning at the 5:30am class I saw a longtime athlete at Roots walk over to a brand new athlete in class and introduce herself.  As I watched this happen, I felt like it was unfolding in slow motion and instantly smiled.

And, in my pregnant state, I got a little teary eyed (but no one saw it;) because this is one of my favorite things about Roots – that we’re small enough that folks notice a new face and, more importantly, that they take the initiative to say hello.

We all remember what it was like to be the new kid.  The one who didn’t know anyone in class, who didn’t know the movements, the protocols, the way things work, and who felt that they were way less fit than everyone else – and that can be scary.  We’re all unique in that something about all of our personalities told us that was worth overcoming in order to pursue this CrossFit thing.  

So keep introducing yourselves.  I won’t cry each time it happens though.