Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Row 250 meters
25 Push-ups
2011 Roots’ Happy Holidays, Welcome to the New Space, Grand Opening, Member Appreciation, Thank You For Bearing With Us During the Transition, New Years Kick-Off, Because We Like to Party, Party!
Come help us rock out 2011 and celebrate with the awesome community of Roots athletes and families. This year’s party is set to be the shindig of the year. We’ll have a photo booth, dance floor, a very very special DJ, and some other fun surprises.
When: Wednesday, December 21st at 6:00PM
Where: at the shop
Attire: Dress it up, or not, you decide, just make sure your shoes allow you to boogie
Food and Drink: We’ll provide the meat and some drinks. Please bring a side and drinks to share.
The low down on the day-long event:
Remember, all day Wednesday, December 21st Roots will celebrate YOU, the Roots’ Family. We will have prizes, contests and drawings throughout the day. Then, at 6pm, it’s on. 3-2-1-Party.
If you did not receive the Evite to your email inbox, please email Stefanie!