Olympic Weightlifting Foundations Starts MONDAY. Two Spots Left.

20 minute AMRAP:
20 wall ball
20 pull-up
20 KB swing

Stacey, Moishe, Killer, and Jess during CrossFit Endurance.

Olympic Weightlifting Foundations

The next Olympic Weightlifting Foundations is available for sign-up!

Session Start Date: July 31st
Cost: $100
Meeting dates and times: July 31st, August 2, 7, 9 from 5:30-6:30pm

Come spend four nights with Ryan learning detailed progressions of the snatch and clean and jerk. We will cover both movements and their variations in depth. If you consider these awesome lifts a weakness, then come work to be confident and consistent and have fun doing it! This course is the prerequisite to attending the Olympic Weightlifting group classes.

Oly Foundations is limited to 10 people.

Sign-up HERE.

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