Hang power snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Last week Tiffany back squatted 205 for a 1 rep max. This is a big milestone in the CrossFit world for females as she hit the 200 club with a no questions asked depth below parallel. Congrats!
Ladies, who else is in the 200 club? Gentlemen, who is in the 300 club?
Roots Crew, what CrossFit milestones stand out to you? What milestones have you hit? Post to comments.
Nice work Tiff! Another rock star at backsquats: Miles. Dude lifts a ton of weight.
Milestones: first RXed workout with muscle ups. Never mind that Dizon did in half the time – just getting that RX was awesome.
Awesome work, Tiffany! Way to go!
Bad ass Tiffany!! I hope I can join you in the 200 club soon!
Yeah Tiff! Awesome.
I hit a 300lb deadlift last week. Yahoo!
OMG, so many milestones . . . last month, I did my very first double under! The month before that, I was finally able to back squat and deadlift well over my body weight. Since I started Crossfit last October, I’ve been steadily crawling out of a deep dark hole re: my health and fitness. I don’t think some of my colleagues and friends who live in Northern Cal and abroad will even recognize me. The only way to carve out the body that you want is to carve out the body that you want, one decision at a time.
whooooo whooooo… you go girl!
RAD, Tiff!
So RAD….
Tiffany, you’re my barbell inspo. Always.
Go Tiffany!
This post came at a timely point for me, because I’ve been thinking about this kind of thing a lot this week — I’ve met a bunch of personal milestones. They’re nothing spectacular, but they’re events I’ve been looking forward to, and now that I’ve gotten them, it’s encouraging that I’m making progress after a few months.
1. First workout with toes-2-bar where I actually did toes-2-bar on monday.
2. First strict pull-up without assistance in warmups Tuesday.
3. First workout with one-band pull-ups on Tuesday.
4. Gallant Rx was it’s own (brutal) milestone.
5. First workout with pullups with no assistance with Hamburguesa.
For someone so new to this, I felt like just getting accustomed to the movements has been its own set of challenges, and I’m glad that I can start to actually do some of them. Now I just have to get better!
YAY Tiffany!!!