Overhead Squat Technique

Overhead Squat

The overhead squat is a complex movement that challenges midline stability like no other. Coach Glassman wrote, “The overhead squat is the ultimate core exercise, the heart of the snatch, and peerless in developing effective athletic movement.”

A classic standard of advanced capacity in the movement was to perform 15 overhead squats at bodyweight. While many Games athletes can do this, and then some, it remains a brilliant standard to work toward. 

In the video above, James Hobart, demonstrated excellent overhead squat technique and primary points of performance are highlighted.

Here are some of the common faults we’ll see in the overhead squat and how you can work to fix them:

Inactive overhead position

Push up on the bar, straighten the elbows, flex the triceps, elevate your lats

Bar moves forward of the frontal plane 

Push up and pull back on the bar slightly on the decent, aim to keep the bar over the middle of your foot, try to keep the bar over you head as you descend.