Class Schedule Additions and Changes!


Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings

Minor changes and a few additions to the summer class schedule!

Class Schedule Additions and Changes

Thanks to everyone who replied to the class schedule survey a few weeks back.   We got over 70 responses! Based on the results, we’ve made the following changes and additions to the class schedule.  Enjoy!  The new schedule kicks in next week.

Olympic Weightlifting – Mondays at 6pm, Tuesdays at 7pm
Strength – Mondays at 7pm
Gymnastics – Thursdays at 11:30pm

The Monday and Wednesday 7:30am class will move to 8:00am
The Tuesday 6pm Oly class will move to Monday (and a 7pm on Tuesdays is added to the schedule).


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