It’s Coming…December 21st…GET READY TO PARTY.

For time:

100 Burpee pull-ups
Ideally, the pull-up bar is one foot above your reach.
Charlie (HoneyBadger), Gregg, Peter, Shannah, and Mel after the Turkey WOD last Thursday. Team efforts all around!


Party!  Party!!  Party!!!

Mark you calendars and GET READY TO PARTY!  The annual Roots Holiday Party is set for Wednesday, December 21st at 6:00PM. Keep an eye on your email inboxes today for the official Evite and please RSVP.  Bring your spouse, a date, your significant other, your family, but not your dog.

See you there!

NY Times Article: Should We All Go Gluten Free?

4 Responses
  1. Anonymous

    Nice, we are finally going to be in town for a Roots party…  Also, is it just me or is the girl on the right (Mel?) accidentally flipping off the camera?