Come to the Talks Tomorrow Night – 6 and 7pm

2 rounds for time:
500m row
25 burpees

Come to the Talks Tomorrow Night – 6 and 7pm

Winter Rest and Recovery Challenge Info Meeting – 6:00pm
Monthly Food Chalk Talk – 7:00pm

In the past two weeks I’ve had a few people outside of Roots ask me how many calories are burned in an average CrossFit workout. In both instances the question has caught me off-guard because I have no idea and don’t care to ever find out. I realize that many Americans measure their progress in fitness and in health with calories burned. It’s a natural thought process given TV shows, radio ads, internet sites, and workout machines that harp on how to burn more calories. We do a long hard workout and we think it gives us a “free pass” to eat more that evening, we miss a workout and we think we need to watch how much we eat.


In the world of CrossFit what we do in the kitchen and what we do in the shop are two separate and vital components of one longterm plan for health and fitness. Take a look at the CrossFit pyramid. The foundation of it is nutrition. This means that your efforts in the kitchen, out at restaurants, and on the go should not be swayed by the type, length of, or exercises in the day’s workout.

At the shop, we train for physical and neurological improvements and work to obtain a proficiency in each of the 10 General Skills. In the kitchen, we eat for fueling, nourishment, and longevity.

Training the mind to rethink its approach to food is no easy task; however, it starts with asking yourself the right questions when presented with the familiar situations. At the forefront of your thought process should be the QUALITY of the food you are about to eat. Does it promote health or stipend improvement? Would it improve your blood results, or not? Will it fuel your efforts in the shop tomorrow? Thinking, “Would this make for more calorie intake than burn today?” is illogical, even if it is habit.

While the traditional (and scientifically bogus) thought process might be:

– Calculate calorie intake in a day

– Workout to burn adequate calories to make daily intake level “acceptable”

– Workout more to burn more calories after slip ups in the system

– Go crazy with a constant mind-numbing teeter totter of calories in and calories burned

Your thought process should be:

– Fuel your body with quality foods in the kitchen

– Use the sound nutrition to better performance in the shop

– Let better performance at the shop fuel a greater dedication to quality in the kitchen

– See the benefits of a complete health and fitness plan

We’ll leave you with this…


Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and NO sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics:pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstands, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. ROUTINE IS THE ENEMY. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports!

3 Responses
  1. Russell

    Just so you guys have a reference for this workout, the fastest times at the SE Regional in 2010 were between 5:30 and 5:40…. enjoy!