Apparel Sale Through Tuesday and Lost and Found

12-9-6 reps for time of:
275-lb. deadlifts 
Each time you break a set of muscle-ups, perform 3 “penalty” deadlifts. Penalty deadlifts do not count toward the 27 prescribed deadlift reps.

Apparel Sale Through Tuesday and Lost and Found

The fall apparel sale is going on now through Tuesday, September 29th. Help us make room for the sweet new styles that will arrive in December and snag a t-shirt or tank at a great discount price.

Select Tees & Accessories – 40% OFF
Hoodies 30% OFF
$8 Clearance bin!

Also, Lost and Found will be taken to goodwill on Monday morning. Be sure to stop by and see if you’re missing any items. Lost and Found is always located in the back equipment room and smaller items are held behind the desk. We clear it out once a month.


2 Responses
  1. Marcus Martin

    Mike – I keep a secret list of construction rolloff dumpers throughout Boulder that I visit after dark that might be more appropriate for your shit (not Eley’s stuff, of course!). Let me know if you need this list. Love, Marcus