Individually or in teams of two, complete:
100 pull-ups
100 KB swings (G/Y)
100 double-unders
100 overhead squats (95/65)
For TEAMS OF TWO, complete 125 reps of each exercise.
- Nicole works through the pull-ups in the 100s workout at Regionals. Pacing makes a difference in this workout, but what pace? Like those pull-ups bars? So do we:)
4th of July
Perhaps it’s because I grew up 10 minutes outside of DC, perhaps it’s because my Dad and half of my parents’ friends worked for the federal government, perhaps it’s because I spent every 4th on the National Mall from the time I was 18 and many before that, or perhaps it’s because my brother served as an officer in the Marine Corps – but no matter how I look at it, the 4th of July is hands down my most favorite holiday.
The 4th of July is inclusive. Are you an American? Then join in the apple pie, the fireworks, the summer heat, and the history. CrossFit is about as American as it gets. Are you willing to try, sacrifice, and sweat with a bunch of folks who may or may not be anything like you? Then you’ll do well here.
Here’s to the 4th of July.
With a birthday on the 3rd, I always thought the fireworks were for me. No? I always love seeing all the flags lining the streets, especially in Massachusetts, where they were aplenty.
Happy 4th, Roots. We miss you, from California.
Happy 4th of July Everyone!!