Parents, please fill out the CrossFit Kids Summer Program survey. Click here.
Seven rounds for time of:
155 pound Push jerk, 7 reps
7 Chest to bar pull-ups
7 Burpees

Coaches Series: Why I’m Doing the Open, Part 3
This week we announced a week of personal accounts from the coaches titled Why I’m Doing the Open. Next up, Zac!
Why I’m Doing the Open: Zac.
Man this is the best time of the CrossFit season! Everyone from Africa to Asia to your Homies at Roots are going to pour their last bit of effort into 5 WOD’s over 5 weeks. A healthy party of hard work, amazing facial expressions, high 5’s, and laughs to come.
My goal for the open is to complete each WOD prescribed or not, enter all of my scores, live in the moment of each painful minute, and share others love for we do.
Come play, compete, and share some laughs with the ROOTS family!!!!
Lets have some FUN!