In teams of 3, 18min AMRAP:
Max reps at each station of:
Shoulder to overhead (105/70)
KB Swing (1.5/1)
Every minute partners move to the next exercise in the series and continue accumulating reps. Rotate through each exercise six times for a total of 18 minutes.
Crocktoberfest Countdown…NINE DAYS!
That’s right, just nine days until the most amazing display of crockpot creations gather at Roots for the ultimate showdown.
Did you sign-up to enter a dish? If not, CLICK HERE to sign-up and register your dish. Or CLICK HERE for the full details on the evening.
All Roots members should have received an Evite in their email inbox. Please RSVP if you plan to attend and REMEMBER if you do not enter, you are still encouraged to come join in the festivities and bring a dish or drink to share.
Questions? Post to comments.