CrossFit Teens Summer Program and Camp

Tabata Row
8 rounds of :20 seconds of work followed by :10 seconds of rest.

(score is calories)
– rest 5 min –
1 attempt at max set dead hang pull-ups

CrossFit Teens Summer Program and Camp

CrossFit Teens has a new schedule starting June 2nd! Additionally, the two-week strength camp in June is the perfect way to get a head start in your preparation for Fall sports.  Read below for details on the program, class times, and pricing.
CrossFit Teens class continues for 7th-12th graders. The program’s design builds strength, overall athletic capacity, and confidence beneficial for any athlete.
Summer schedule starting June 2nd:
  • Monday at 10am
  • Wednesday at 10am
  • Thursday at 4pm
  • Pricing options: 2x/week for $70/month, unlimited for $100/month ($10 discount for both options available for Roots families)
  • email [email protected] to set up a pricing option or if you have any questions
  • MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday from 10am to 11:30am
  • 2 weeks long – June 9th to June 26th
  • Camp class will include CrossFit, strength specific work, and skill specific work (i.e. agility, speed, power)
  • Pricing: $120;  (the cost for Teens who already have a monthly membership for June is $85)
  • Sign up or email [email protected] if you have questions

Questions?  Post to comments. 

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