Friendly Reminder 2 – Blood

Hang Power Clean
3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

Trevor comes across some blood on the pull-up rig while cleaning the shop equipment.
Trevor comes across some blood on the pull-up rig while cleaning the shop equipment.  This is NOT a staged photo.  This was a real facial expression photographed in the moment!

Friendly Reminder 2 – Blood

We KNOW you love your fellow athletes at Roots but there’s no need to be blood brothers with everyone at the shop.

Lately we’ve noticed a lot of blood on equipment and the rig while doing our weekly cleanings.  Please take the time to clean off your equipment if you bleed, break open a hand, or scrap a shin.

It’s not only courteous to your fellow athletes but it’s the right thing to do!

There is always a supply of disinfectant wipes at the shop ready for use.  When in doubt, wipe it down!

3 Responses
  1. lisa p

    So if there ever comes a time when you make shop baseball cards, I think this should be Trevor’s baseball card shot.