Hang Power Clean
3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps
Friendly Reminder 2 – Blood
We KNOW you love your fellow athletes at Roots but there’s no need to be blood brothers with everyone at the shop.
Lately we’ve noticed a lot of blood on equipment and the rig while doing our weekly cleanings. Please take the time to clean off your equipment if you bleed, break open a hand, or scrap a shin.
It’s not only courteous to your fellow athletes but it’s the right thing to do!
There is always a supply of disinfectant wipes at the shop ready for use. When in doubt, wipe it down!
So, Trevor, why are you cleaning the shop with your shirt off????
Just par for the course.
So if there ever comes a time when you make shop baseball cards, I think this should be Trevor’s baseball card shot.