Harvest Hoedown Volunteers

For time:
Row 2000 Meters
30 Burpees Over the barbell
(two-foot jump, two-foot land)
30 Hang Squat Cleans (185/125 lbs)
30 Walking Lunges (185/125 lbs)


Harvest Hoedown Volunteers

We’re searching for enthusiastic volunteers to help with the upcoming CrossFit Roots Harvest Hoedown competition.  For more information on the competition, read here.
The one-day team competition is Saturday, October 11th.  If you’re interested in lending a hand, please read on!
If you’re “IN”, even halfway, send Shane Upchurch ([email protected]) an email letting him know and we will add you to the volunteer list.  We will send out more information in the coming weeks to this list.
Questions?  Post to comments. 
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