3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 squats
115-lb. push press, 20 reps

Harvest Hoedown – Workouts, Details, and Spectator Info!
Just two days until Roots hosts its first ever CrossFit competition – the Harvest Hoedown. MANY Roots athletes have grabbed a fellow Root and signed up to compete in this fun one-day competition.
Spectator Information
Doors open at 7:30am! The first heat kicks off at 9am! There are three workouts throughout the day and awards ceremony will take place at 5pm. And, don’t miss your very own Ryan Landis who will be MC’ing the day as well as handing out some sweet raffle prizes to spectators and fans!
Parking will be limited. Please park roadside along Mapleton Ave., across 30th street from our parking lot.
Fate Brewing Company will be selling BBQ hot off the smoker from 12:00-2:30pm.
A full event schedule will be posted tomorrow on the blog!
3 rep max front squat in 6min (1 bar)
8min AMRAP:
10 chest to overhead (135/95, 1 bar)
15 toes to bar
30 double-unders
3RM front squat in 4min (1 bar)
Both partners will have a chance to find their 3 rep max front squat, followed by the 8 min AMRAP. In the AMRAP, partners will have to “follow the leader” and share a barbell. A second chance at a 3 rep max front squat follows.
100 deadlifts (185/125, 2 bars)
15 rope climbs
1 mile medicine ball run (20)
Partners will split up the deadlift reps and then the rope climb reps. Then they are out on a 1 mile run with their “punkin!”
2 rounds:
5 handstand pushups
10 burpees
15 pullups
20 wallballs (20/14)
50 hang snatch (95/65)
This is a “follow the leader” workout through a fun gauntlet! Teams need to strategize on who will enter first. After both team members are through twice, they will complete the hang snatches 5 reps at a time.
Questions? Post to comments.
OK folks – I’m gonna need some BIG HELP heaving that bar over my head in round one. And of course, the wall balls… Hoping to see a big crowd cheering/laughing/lamenting on Saturday. May the FUN FACTOR grossly outweigh the shit-show that will ensue…
Who else is throwing down on Saturday?
Great meme! Lol
13 out of 30 teams representing Roots! Come out and cheer on your fellow athletes!