Mechanics, Consistency, Intensity

You know the definition of CrossFit – constantly varied, functional movements performed at a high intensity. But, it is important to implement the right mechanics, consistency, and intensity to reap the true benefits of the CrossFit methodology.

First, learn how to perform each movement correctly. Second, come to class regularly. Third, scale each workout appropriately to get the right amount of intensity in your workout.

CrossFit lays out the mechanics-consistency-intensity charter in this series, and every athlete should take the time to read this gem.

Mechanics, Consistency, Intensity: What Does It Mean? 

Read this post for an introduction into what mechanics, consistency, and intensity mean in CrossFit.

Mechanics, Consistency, Intensity: Mechanics

Read this post to learn more about the importance of establishing a good foundation before adding weight to your bar.

Mechanics, Consistency, Intensity: Intensity

Once athletes have learned how to perform CrossFit movements correctly and have established a consistent routine in the gym, they can start increasing intensity.