5 Rounds
10 Hang Power Cleans
20 Wall Ball
*complete 25 burpees prior to your last round

New Schedule and Other Updates
1. The New Schedule Starts Today!
Additions to the spring schedule include a 7pm WOD on Mondays (tonight!), Oly and Strength classes on Tuesday evenings, CrossFit Endurance and CrossFit Football classes, a 5pm WOD on Fridays, a schedule shift on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to 6 and 7am, and the 5/3/1 program on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Check out MBO to see all of the new options!
2. Roots Programming
We are a mainsite affiliate and will continue to be so. That means that we follow the mainsite for our programming and fill in on mainsite rest days. Previously, we have followed the mainsite on a 3-week delay. Beginning tomorrow we will start following the mainsite on a ONE WEEK delay. We will follow it as close as humanely and reasonably possible. The coolest part about this switch is that you won’t have to click through archives on the mainsite for find the WOD if you care to look!
3. CrossFit Open Workout 1 Redo
CrossFit HQ announced yesterday that they will postpone the deadline for submissions for the first workout. That means that this Thursday we will again offer workout 1 from the CrossFit Open if you choose to do it again. If you are “totally done” with that workout or don’t care to do it again, we will offer a different 10 minute AMRAP that day as well if you would like to keep it…constantly varied.