Hang power snatch
5-5-5-5-5 reps
Tabata Row.
8 rounds:
:20 on/:10 off

Olympic Weightlifting Meet Results and Roots Recap
The 2014 Roots Summer Oly Meet is behind us and what an event it was! 44 weightlifters from around the area competed on Saturday and the competition was thick! Roots had a strong showing with 13 of its own athletes lifting, many for their first meet ever.
Roots athlete recaps below!:
Jake Fojtek missed third place by 2 sinclair points and had an amazing day lifting 205 in the snatch and 235 in the clean and jerk. Great job Jake!
Shane Upchurch made 190/225 and had more in the tank.
Aaron Reynolds lifed beautifully and made contest Pr’s of 170/185. Aaron also had more in the tank!
Adam Urness also got new competition Pr’s of 135/200. Great job Adam.
Megan Isherwood had a strong day lifting 115/160 and just missing third place.
Cassie Finer looked great and went 130/177.5.
Trish Krystman made easy lifts of 115/145.
Arlene Brugal looked very strong and went 112.5/140.
Pam Walter hit 90/127.5 and added another meet to her experience.
Nicole Speer lifted 105/135 and has MUCH more in the tank!
Amy Fallon came back to visit and lifted 95/145. Great to see you Amy!
Katie Walkden lifted 80/115 for a nice pr in the clean and jerk.
Brenda Ramirez looked great in her first meet lifting 82.5/125
I would like to thank our sponsors of the meet who made the prizes possible. Thanks to SFH, Justins, Life of Riley foods and Evol for helping us out!
The next Oly Meet will be at Roots on November 22nd so get it on your calender now!
See you on the platform!