The 12 Days of CrossFit Roots
1 – rope climb
2 – bar muscle-up
3 – 33m run
4 – handstand push-up
5 – overhead squat (95/65)
6 – burpee box jumps (up and over)
7 – KB swings (24/16)
8 – hang power clean (135/95)
9 – toes-2-bar
10 – wall ball
11 – hand release push-up
12 – pistol

On the First Day of CrossFit Roots, My Coaches Gave to Me…
Back for it’s fifth consecutive year, the 12 Days of CrossFit Roots!
Not sure about one of the movements? Not sure you can do something listed? Don’t worry! We’ll have all the subs, scales, and modifications ready to go so you get to experience this yearly treat!
And you complete the workout just like the song…
On the second day of CrossFit Roots, my coaches gave to me, 2 bar muscle-ups and a rope climb. On the third day you would proceed just like the song 3-2-1, all the way through to 12-11-10…3-2-1.
Have fun!
Wahoooo!! I just looked this up in my log from last year and the note says “super fun, best workout ever!!!” Yes, with three exclamation points. Bring it on!
This is my favorite WOD besides The Chief Anniversary WOD. Also looking forward to doing this today! In the words of one of my co-workers…”That sounds terrible! Only you Crossfit people think that sounds like fun!” WOOOOOOOOOO BRING IT!!
Yeah this was actually kinda fun. What in the hell is wrong with me?
I just remember hearing Ali say “smile it’s christmas” at some point.