Whole Earth Fitness

Open Shop
Open to members only. Sign-up on MBO.

new Open Shop policy, buy-in for every Open Shop session is double Fran.  nut up or shut up.

Off the grid for Roots.

Whole Earth Fitness

In an effort to decrease our impact on the environment we recently contracted with a consulting firm that evaluated our current environmental footprint and made recommendations for how to decrease it.

At the top of the list was the energy used to light the shop.  

As you know, both Stefanie and Eric went to Oregon State University and we get The Oregon Stater Alumni magazine.  Recently the publication ran an article describing how the university campus elliptical machines were now wired to the grid and help to power the campus gym.

With the help of a few members and engineers we have bought the necessary tools to wire the ergs to power our lights.

Beginning next week we will need every member to sign-up for one 3-hour session of erging each month to power the shop.  All athletes will need to row at a consistent and steady 2:25 or faster pace over the course of the 3 hours.  Any stopping during the 3-hour effort will clear the machine and the energy transfer box will turn off, meaning the energy collected thus far in the session would be lost.

The other component of this is that we will need to generate and collect the power 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.  We will post the sign-up sheet on Monday.  It is first come first serve for the prime hours.

Shift sign-up is a membership requirement.  All members are expected to contribue to the erging efforts.

Please sign-up to do your part no matter the hour, the earth is counting on you.

7 Responses
  1. Sugar

    It’s about time. I’m sick and tired of the candyass Crossfit programming that is so barbell and anaerobic effort heavy. That crap isnt even challenging anymore. It’s about time we see some programming that is a long aerobic grind. This is Boulder afterall. What’s more hardcore than erg’ing to power a business. Count me in. I’ll take the 12-8am block and go right into the normal 8am WOD of the day. In the meantime I’ll continue to run thru brick walls and eat whole raw baby deer.

  2. Lori

    OK- you totally HAD me and I looked at Josh in disbelief when I read 3 hour ERG session.  Although, the crazy part was that in my head I was thinking- we CAN do this!

    1. Grandpa Mojo

      Oh my god, Lori… I can’t believe it, but they had me too! – I was like “what the f…?” – LOL good one, Roots!

  3. Ali

    WOD 1.0 on Tuesday @ 5:30 will be Snatches!!  Specifically hang squat snatches…building on what we’ve been working on the last few weeks.  No worries if you haven’t been to a WOD 1.0 – everyone is welcome!