With a continuously running clock complete 5 thrusters every minute.
From 0:00-5:00 use 75 lb.
From 5:00-10:00 use 95 lb.
From 10:00-15:00 use 115 lb.
Continue adding 20 lb. every 5 minutes for as long as you are able.
Pull-ups and How to Read the Workout
At Roots, we do many different kinds of pull-ups. The most common are kipping pull-ups, chest-to-bar kipping pull-ups, strict pull-ups, weighted pull-ups, and L pull-ups. Below is a run down of each. When reading the workout, “pull-ups” ALWAYS IMPLIES that the pull-ups required are kipping pull-ups. Any deviation from this will be detailed accordingly in the workout. For example, if strict pull-ups are required, it will say “strict pull-ups.”
Kipping Pull-ups
The kipping pull-up incorporates the gymnastics kip and the pull-up. The required range of motion for this exercise is chin over bar at the top of the pull-up and elbows coming to full extension at the bottom of the pull-up. This pull-up can be scaled with bands. It is CrossFit’s default pull-up because it blends power, strength, and speed to create an exercise that challenges both your strength and breathing capacities.
Chest-to-Bar Kipping Pull-ups
The chest-to-bar (or C2B) kipping pull-up is very similar to the kipping pull-up described above, except that the required range of motion is more difficult. In the chest to bar pull-up not only does the chin have to clear the top of the bar, the athlete’s chest (clavicle and below, not neck) must make contact with the bar. This pull-up can be scaled with bands.
Strict Pull-ups
The strict pull-up, also called a deadhang pull-up, requires the athlete to pull their body from a hanging position to chin above the bar with no momentum, kicking, or kipping. It is a pure strength movement. The relationship between a strict pull-up and a kipping pull-up is comparable to a strict shoulder press and a push-press. This pull-up can be scaled with bands.
Weighted Pull-ups
Weighted pull-ups simply mean that the athlete is adding weight to the pull-up by wearing a weight vest or holding a dumbbell between their feet. Weighted pull-ups can be incorporated as kipping pull-ups or strict pull-ups depending on the workout.
L Pull-ups
L pull-ups are based on a strict pull-up. There is no momentum or kip involved. In the L pull-up the athlete holds their legs out in an extended position (making their torso the upright portion of an “L” and their legs the horizontal portion) and pulls their chin over the bar.
So remember, anytime the workout at the shop says “pull-ups” it is implied that they are kipping pull-ups. Any other pull-up used in the workout will be specified in the text of the workout on the whiteboard.
Chin up? Considered legal for all described types of pull up?
NOT safe to assume, but the Coach will let you know. Chinups don’t carry over well to muscle-ups of any type and they involve more biceps and less lats so it’s a different movement. Can be used but not all the time and so not safe to assume.
I was kind of excited for this workout when I mis-read it as 5 thrusters every 5 minutes. And then I watched the video.