21-15-9 reps, for time:
Clean (135 lbs)
Ring Dips

Retest Week!
Back in July we introduced three new skills that we would work to develop within the structure of group classes.
They were:
rope climbs
ring dips
GHD hip extensions
You can read the original post here.
As part of working the above skills, we completed a few intake workouts in July so we could retest them at the completion of the three months. Consistent practice of skills is great, but we also want proof that it’s working!
First up, we’ll retest Elizabeth to check-in on ring dips. On Friday, we’ll retest the rope climb workout. For the GHD hip extensions, there is no specific retest as the coaches used this skill work to help develop kinesthetic awareness for all athletes.
This is where your workout logging comes into play! Check your previous score for Elizabeth, look at your notes, and retest the workout in the exact same fashion so you can compare efforts.
Next week we’ll introduce a new series of skills and bring back some old favorites.