SugarWOD for Android

Back Squat
Yearly benchmark!  Log you scores!

David and the muscle-up.
David and the muscle-up.

SugarWOD for Android

Over the past two months the workout tracking at the shop has been TREMENDOUS!  We know that logging your workouts makes for better athletes that get more out of the work they put into their fitness.
We are excited to announce that SugarWOD for Android is here!
While the initial Android version does not have all of the bells and whistles of the iPhone app, you can do all of the essentials – and the bells and whistles are on the way!
If you’d like to get in now, go to this Google Group and click on “Apply for membership”!forum/sugarwod-alpha-test-group
After you have been added into the Google Group, go to this link to install the app from the Google Play store:

Questions?  Post to comments.