For time:
Row 30 calories
30 handstand push-ups
30 L pull-ups
sumo deadlift high pulls, 30 reps
30 inverted burpees
30 toes-to-bars
Row 30 calories
It’s not a perfect experiment by any means but one thing that I’m happy they paid attention to was his caloric intake and they kept it the same as what it was before the experiment began where he ate mostly meats and veggies. This is important to quiet all the naysayers who would simply respond that he increased his calories consumed so of course his outcome would be normal. What was the outcome?
- he was diagnosed with fatty liver disease (this part only took 18 days actually!)
- he gained 19 lbs.
- gained 4 in. around his waist
- he developed skin acne
- he and his wife began noticing large mood swings from extremely manic-hyper to completely lethargic
All in 2 months! If you’re looking for a double-blind peer reviewed study to tell you that sugar is bad for you then look elsewhere, but if you want an entertaining documentary that highlights the important stuff and still lets you use a little of your own common sense check it out.
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