The Theoretical Hierarchy of the Development of an athlete, also know as the CrossFit pyramid, is a visual representation of the elements that go into the pursuit of health and fitness.
At CrossFit Roots, we aim to support you in all parts of the pyramid, and that includes nutrition
To quote the What is Fitness article:
“This hierarchy largely reflects foundational dependence, skill, and to some degree, time ordering of development. The logical flow is from molecular foundations, cardiovascular sufficiency, body control, external object control, and ultimately mastery and application. This model has the greatest utility in analyzing athletes’ shortcomings or difficulties. We don’t deliberately order these components but nature will. If you have a deficiency at any level of “the pyramid” the components above will suffer” (What is Fitness, CrossFit Journal, October 2002).
That last sentence “If you have a deficiency at any level of “the pyramid” the components above will suffer” should remind us that we can’t out exercise the food we put into our bodies. Nor should we try to as nutrition informs things like health, stress, and longevity.
As we roll into fall we’ll introduce the 2018 Fall Food Challenge – where macros meets #800 grams! Whether your goal is to establish healthy eating patterns, lean out, put on mass, better your performance in the gym, get your first handstand push-up, or improve other health markers, the challenge can help you realize those goals – because, as the pyramid points out – all pathways to improved health and fitness go through nutrition.
That last sentence “If you have a deficiency at any level of “the pyramid” the components above will suffer” should remind us that we can’t out exercise the food we put into our bodies. Nor should we try to as nutrition informs things like health, stress, and longevity.
As we roll into fall we’ll introduce the 2018 Fall Food Challenge – where macros meets #800 grams! Whether your goal is to establish healthy eating patterns, lean out, put on mass, better your performance in the gym, get your first handstand push-up, or improve other health markers, the challenge can help you realize those goals – because, as the pyramid points out – all pathways to improved health and fitness go through nutrition.
Stay tuned for more! Sign-up to open the week of September 10th. Chalk talk the week of September 24th. Kick off October 1st.
Have you ever tried to out exercise your nutrition? Post to comments.
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