Clothing Orders are due tomorrow! Information and order form download here.
Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

Thanks to everyone who came out for the costume WOD on Friday. We’ll get the pictures up this week. They are entertaining to say the least.
Paleo Team Challenge Update
You want to know the current results? So do we! Turn in your food logs so we can tally the points and get the scores up today. I am posting the scores tomorrow whether I have all the food logs or not.
The Half Way Dance
The Paleo Team Challenge is officially at the half way mark and that means two things. First, everyone needs to do a half way dance. That’s right, I want you to get up from your computer and bust a move to celebrate your accomplishment. Second, you need to regroup and sack up for the next three weeks. Some of you have expressed challenges, hard earned triumphs, and reported remarkable results. Week 3 efforts sagged just a tad – do not let this be a continuing trend. You’ve put too much into this not to finish it out with the same vigor and dedication you put forth during the first week. Make the decision to finish out these last three weeks with no regrets.