The Open Kicks Off in 17 Days. Are You Signed Up?

Clean & Jerk 15-12- and 9 reps
Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.

Nothing says true love like a fireman's carry.  Lindsey and Patrick at the Valentine's Day workout.
Nothing says true love like a fireman’s carry. Lindsey and Patrick at the Valentine’s Day workout.

The Open Kicks Off in 17 Days.  Are You Signed Up?

By now, we might sound like a broken record as many classes start or end with, “have you signed up for the Open?”

We ask because we care.  Because every year we have lots of athletes who regret not signing up and participating in this fun and challenging yearly event. 

If you’re not familiar with The Open, it’s CrossFit’s online worldwide community event.  The entry point for Regionals and the Games, it’s also a place for athletes to come together once a week and all throw down on the same workout as every other CrossFitter – in the world.

For details on the Open and why you should sign-up, click here.

To sign-up, click here.

And, we need judges!  We’re looking for folks to judge at the Thursday Night Throwdowns.  If you’re interested, please do the following:

1. Complete the Online Judges Course by February 21st.
2. Email your passing certificate to Shane and Nicole
3. We will follow-up with you to organize for the Throwdowns on Thursday nights.

Thanks in advance to Stefanie, Shane, Amy, and Jake who have already completed the course and sent in their certificate!