The Roots Gymnastics Clinic Starts January 24th

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“Gymnastics has no peer among training modalities for developing the four neurological components of the ten skills—coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy.” ~ Greg Glassman

Gymnastics improves our ability to control our bodies through space which has transference to every single movement we do – both inside and outside the gym. Beginning January 24th we are pleased to offer a 6-week course that meets two times per week for one hour, to address the foundation of movement.
The course will focus on movements seen in CrossFit, such as handstands and muscle-ups, as well as movements that support the development of stronger movement patterns and gymnastics accomplishments, such as the lever and planche.
One constant throughout the clinic will be handstands. The handstand is the fundamental position in gymnastics and we will work on it every session. Progressions will be provided on all movements and every athlete will be given an appropriate starting point and place to work towards, regardless of skill level.

Movements will include the planche, front lever, back lever, handstand, handstand push-up, L-sit, muscle-up, pull-up, dip and more. 6 weeks isn’t enough time to become a master in any of these movements, but you’ll learn progressions that you can continue using before and after classes once the clinic is over. You will absolutely improve throughout the 6 weeks.
The hour will be strenuous, but in a different way than that of a typical WOD. You’ll be muscularly and neurologically drained; however, you won’t experience that gasping for air feeling, as in Fran. Feel free to attend group class with the clinic, but if you double-down, it is ideal to do the gymnastics class first.
Course Dates: January 24th – March 2nd
Meeting Times:
Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30am
Cost: $150 for members, $175 for non-member
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