Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep
The CrossFit Total provides some of the most useful information for your training. It measures your overall strength, helps your coaches in scaling your workouts, and well, lifting heavy shit is just plain fun to do. Check out the linked article above to learn how to do the CrossFit Total. You should have a basic understanding for how this workout is run.
Plan on a few extra minutes for today’s class.
Check back here TOMORROW for the release of the new class schedule.

More chances to come to Roots. Over the next two weeks we will offer additional group class times and new specialty classes. We will post the new schedule to the website on Monday and as well as make the necessary additions and changes in MBO.
Bummer that I’m not coming today. I keep missing the total! Have a great weekend everyone!