Trifecta: Shoulder Press, Push Press, Push Jerk


then load 75% of max press on the bar
3 sets of:
max rep press + max rep push press + max rep push jerk
For each set, perform max reps strict press. When you fail to take bar overhead, change to push press and perform max reps of push press. When you fail to take bar overhead, change to push jerk and perform max reps of push jerk. Score is total reps completed for each set. 

Check out this awesome screen shot from the video linked to in the post! On the left you can see the athlete doing a press, heels down, legs straight, pressing through the bar. In the middle image, you can see the athlete doing a push press just at the moment the bar leaves the shoulder and the athlete has driven the legs and hips into the bar. And the picture on the right shows the receiving position of a push jerk where the athlete retreated under the bar to receive the load.
Check out this awesome screen shot from the video linked to in the post! On the left you can see the athlete doing a press, heels down, legs straight, pressing through the bar. In the middle image, you can see the athlete doing a push press just at the moment the bar leaves the shoulder and the athlete has driven the legs and hips into the bar. And the picture on the right shows the receiving position of a push jerk where the athlete retreated under the bar to receive the load.

Check out this absolutely awesome video that highlights the transition from press to push press and push jerk! It’s a CrossFit Journal gem!
We couldn’t embed this video because it’s pretty old school CrossFit Journal, but it highlights the exact concepts we hope to touch on in today’s workout.
Check it out before you come to class!
Trifecta: Shoulder Press, Push Press, Push Jerk
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