Week One in the Books

3 rounds for time:
– 400m run
– 50 box jumps
– 50 wall ball

then, deadlift at 75% 1 rep max: 3×3

Nicole is off to see the folks at CrossFit Brand X in Ramona, California to earn her CrossFit Kids Certification.  We’ll post information about our CrossFit Kids program next week.  While she’s gone, Eric plans to throw out two spicy workouts!

The Paleo Kits were a big success!  We’re almost all out.  We plan to put in another order in the coming week.  Email us if you would like to pre-order some to guarantee we have enough.

Scott and Eric, post team WOD, contemplating the sunrise workout hour.
Scott and Eric, post team WOD, contemplating the sunrise workout hour.
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