In teams of two:
Complete 3 rounds of:
40 wallball
30 burpees
20 hang power clean (135/95)
100 double unders.
While Partner 1 completes as much work as possible toward the completion of the 3 rounds, Partner 2 runs 100m. Partners switch when run partner returns. Score is total time minus :20 seconds for every 100m run by team.

Introducing the Winter 2013 Schedule!
We are very pleased to introduce the 2013 Winter Class Schedule! Thank you for your feedback, suggestions, and observations in the class schedule survey.
We took your feedback and have worked hard to create a schedule that offers MORE and in the process we added over 300 class spots to the weekly group class schedule.
The new schedule goes into full effect on Thursday, January 3rd!
On it you’ll notice a lot of double classes, such as two classes scheduled at 5:30am, 6:30am, or 11:30am. Sign-up for either class and get in here!
All classes listed as WOD, 1.0, GYM, ST, OLY, and ERG classes are part of the regular group membership. Women’s, FOUND, O-CLUB, END-W, END-R, and COMP are part of one of five closed programs that require a separate sign-up and commitment to the program.