Dear Roots Crew!
It’s BACK! So many of our athletes have seen great results from doing the Food & Fitness Challenge that we’re bringing it back this winter!
We are pleased to announce the 2025 Winter Food & Fitness Challenge in partnership with Erica’s Edge Nutrition! This challenge is exclusive to Roots members, so don’t miss out!
At Roots, learning to eat to fuel your health and fitness is one of the most important areas of your life that we want you to dedicate time, energy, and effort to improving – because nutrition is that impactful. We also know it’s not an overnight process, and just like having a coach guide you through a workout that seems overwhelming, having a coach guide you through this process is an invaluable necessity.
This blog contains everything you need to know! Registration is now live, and spaces are limited.
Take the plunge,
Food & Fitness Challenge
Improve your body composition, energy, and health. Get personalized nutrition goals, access to webinars/videos, and more to guide you through each day!
The FFC is a Challenge, but it also indirectly ends up being a nutrition course because you are going to learn so, SO much. With daily video/emails and regular posts in the group’s community app, you will walk away from this not only healthier, looking better, and more fit, but you’ll also have a heck of a lot of knowledge about why and how nutrition, fitness, and the mind work the way they do.
What Do I Get?
- Personalized macronutrients (protein, carbs, fat) and calorie goals
- Pre- and post-InBody body composition tests to track your muscle mass, body fat percentage, and basal metabolic rate.
- Goal setting around macronutrient targets, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, fitness, meditation, & more!
- Daily videos
- Unlimited email access to Erica
- Community & group support
- Discounts
- Tracking sheets
- Recipes
- Grocery list
- Daily videos / emails
- A $200 cash prize for the top participant!
Important Dates
Phase 1: Prep Week, January 27 – February 2
During this time, you’ll get your body composition test done at CrossFit Roots and Erica will give you personalized macros. You’ll learn a lot during this week and know everything you need for Phase 2.
Phase 2: Go Time, February 3 – March 2
This is the “Challenge.” You’ll avoid gluten, added sugar, artificial sweeteners and alcohol, and have other goals to reach for fitness, hydration, and more. At the end of Phase 2, you’ll do your post-FFC body comp to see the data on your results!
Phase 3: Transition Week, March 2 – March 9
During this week, you’re continuing with the FFC rules but with one “off day” where you can eat / drink what you want.
How to Sign Up
Food & Fitness Challenge: $215
Price includes the challenge ($165) and pre- and post-challenge InBody scans at CrossFit Roots ($50)
Want VIP Status?
Only 6 spots available. $160 add-on (regularly $240). Sign-up and get:
- Erica will review your food journal weekly and give feedback
- 15-minute private phone call
- Unlimited text and email access to Erica
I Signed Up, Now What?
You’ve signed up and are excited to get started, but now what? Schedule your InBody scan! Erica will use this information along with additional intake information to set your macros for the challenge.
You’ll want to do the scan on an empty stomach (no coffee or food), BEFORE you have showered or trained.
Questions? Email [email protected].
About Erica

Hi! I’m a Registered Dietitian with a Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition from NYU and a private CrossFit coach (L2). I’ve also been a CSSD (Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics) and Nike Master Trainer. I’ve had my private practice for 11 years and created the Food & Fitness Challenge (FFC) to help people look and feel their best without doing a stupid cleanse or diet that wrecks your body and gives you temporary results.
Let me be clear: I’m interested in changing your life. 🙂 I freaking love what I do and love seeing the results that I help people achieve! I also practice what I preach. I follow macros, practice balance, work my butt off, and sometimes struggle just like every other human and eat too much. I love doing and coaching CrossFit, hiking, camping, my dog Leo, and I love living in Colorado. If you’ve been with me in class, you’ll notice that I love strength and gymnastics, and running is the death of me, but I’ll do it all. I’m excited to help you on this journey, so let’s goooo!!!
Questions? Email Erica at [email protected]