Push Jerk: 8-8-8
Front Squat: 3-3-3-3-3

Miss Manners…Part 2
For our next installment of Miss Manners, we have a guest columnist whom many of you may have encountered before. This week she addresses a topic that is relevant to CrossFitters new and old.
Dear Cindy,
Just the other day I was doing my favorite WOD, your namesake in fact. I taped my hands because I have bad tears on both from developing thick calluses since I started at the gym. The tape job didn’t hold and my tears opened up again, but that didn’t stop me from finishing. On my way to work, I remembered that I tore off the bloody tape, threw it on the floor and never picked it up. I’ve seen other people do this, but is this cool? I mean, I want to fit in and all. Also, any thoughts on how to prevent tearing? While bloody hands seem rad, tears kinda blow and impact my training goals. Thanks for your help Cindy!
Bloody Mary
Dear Mary,
While I appreciate your desire to “fit in” and your “go get it” attitude, I’d suggest doing it like most others do at Roots – pick up after yourself. Bloody anything is just plain gross, not to mention a health hazard. I certainly appreciate how tanked you feel after a long AMRAP, but please be considerate and help keep everything clean and tidy. While your at it, make sure you grab a disinfectant wipe and wipe down anything that you got blood on…barbells, pull up bars, etc. Your coaches will love you (and your mom would approve too).
Regarding your calluses, here is a helpful and informative blog post from Crossfit Virtuosity on managing your hands.
Yours Truly–Cindy
Have any shop etiquette questions you’d like Miss Manners to address? Post to comments and we will forward them on.