3 rounds for time of:
30 Wall Balls 20 lbs
30 Snatches 75 lbs

Zender and the incredible grip strength. Rock solid for 105.


Heavy Lifting State of Mind

Your state of mind plays a tremendous role in your success or failure of an attempted lift.  Negative thoughts can derail a set while positive imagery and thoughts can send you to new heights.  The attitude that you take into the lift is key.

A negative train of thought – questioning your recovery from yesterday, thinking the bar looks heavy, fidgeting through your set-up, thinking the bar feels heavy, fearing full range of motion, and visualizing failure all lead to a less than optimal outcome.  This state of mind can be summed up with: “Oh shit, this is heavy.”

On the flip side, a positive train of thought – thinking the bar looks heavy and that’s freakin’ cool, knowing exactly how you want to set-up on the bar because you do it that way EVERY time, picturing yourself doing the lift with perfect form, aggressively lifting the bar from the rack and thinking “this feels light.”  You pull the bar to the floor rather than letting it drive you to the ground.  You nail the depth and drive up while keeping your focus until the bar is racked.  This state of mind can be summed up with: “This is heavy and it doesn’t matter.”

Everyone needs their own method to enable positive thoughts to flow.  Try this or come up with your own!
1. Focus on the task at hand.  Block out all other thoughts
2. Visualize yourself doing a perfect lift
3. Perfect a consistent set-up for every lift
4. Think about your motivator
5. Tell yourself the bar is light
6. DO IT

Your motivator is a phrase, scenario, person, or event that inspires you to want to make the lift.

Do you have a motivator?  Post to comments.