14.5 Kevin Ogar Fundraiser and BBQ Tonight!

Sign-up for a 14.5 Throwdown heat HERE.  Sign-up to bring something to the BBQ HERE.

Workout 14.5

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
95-lb. thrusters

Post time to comments and/or register and submit your results as part of the2014 Reebok CrossFit Games Open.


14.5 Kevin Ogar Fundraiser and BBQ Tonight!

Tonight we do 14.5, raise money for a local area CrossFitter, and celebrate the great Open seasons with a BBQ.  Don’t miss out on all of the festivities tonight.

Open Workout 14.5
We will run 25 minute heats tomorrow evening starting at 4:00.  This is a FOR TIME workout so you’re all in it for the long haul! Sign-up for a heat HERE, come to the shop, read the board for instructions on how to warm-up, and talk to a coach if you have any questions.

Kevin Ogar Fundraiser
Many of you heard about the tragic and freak accident involving fellow Colorado CrossFitter Kevin Ogar.  On January 12th, 2014 Kevin Ogar suffered a traumatic injury to his spinal cord as a result of a “freak accident” while competing at an event in Orange County, California. At this time, Kevin has no movement below the waist and will be faced with numerous surgeries and a long road ahead for rehabilitation.  We will be collecting donations for Kevin and CrossFit Roots will match donations up to $1,500.

We’ve got a great collection of raffle prizes, many from local area businesses.  A raffle ticket money will be donated to the Kevin Ogar Fund.

Raffle Prizes Include:
– Reebok shwagg including a backpack and headbands
– Lululemon Gift Card
– ZaZaRa Cake (In Freezer)
– $25 Noble Savage giftcard 
– Progenex protein
– Stronger Faster Healthier prizes
– Chelsea Bella in Boulder gift card

What Open season would be complete without a end celebration?  We’ll fire up the grill at 5:00pm and have burgers on hand when you finish the workout.  Please sign-up to bring a side to share HERE.


2 Responses
  1. maggie f

    1. holy moley, oly called it! last night we predicted burpees and thrusters. oof.
    2. what if you don’t finish in 25 minutes?