2013 Winter Olympic Weightlifting Club.

Three rounds for time:
50 squats
7 bar muscle-ups
135 pound hang power snatch, 10 reps

The 2012 100k row challenge was a huge success. Here, athletes finished some of their final meters in front of Love Actually just before the holidays. Did you do the row challenge? How was it? Post to comments.

2013 Winter Oly Club.

Come get your Oly on at the Roots Weightlifting Club.

There are several changes for this new cycle including:

– Third workout per week (optional), programmed for completion at open shop.

– Club training sessions are extended to 90 minutes (60 minutes of Oly and 30 minutes of strength work).  The strength component is not mandatory in order to participate in the program, if you can only come for an hour (5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.), you can still come!

– Coaches Eye emails and feedback sent to athletes

Here’s what you need to know:

WHEN:  Monday and Thursday 5:30-7:00pm.  Optional third workout per week.

COST: $240 members/$300 non-members

DATES: Program runs from January 21st through April 4th, 2013

OLY MEET: April 6, 2013


See you on the platforms!

4 Responses
  1. sarah silver

    I LOVE the 100,000 meter row challenge. And wish we could organize one every quarter/season. Any chance of that???? And congrats to the two crazies who rowed 200,000.

  2. Becca

    Loved the challenge, the camaraderie, the sense of accomplishment, the excellent coaching. Now I am certain of this: I LOVE ROWING! Yes, more please!