Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps

5/3/1 Meeting
Reminder! The 5/3/1 Meeting is this Thursday at 7pm! Come join Shane and Nicole to learn about this linear strength program centered around the major barbell lifts. This is an introduction to the Tuesday/Thursday night 5/3/1 class that starts March 22nd. To participate in this class, athletes must commit to attending all of the classes in the five week cycle.
Come learn and get excited!
Does the meeting replace strength on Thursday night?
Where did you get that old high school photo of me deadlifting?
Open Sectionals website is finally up:
Thanks Chad… I’m all signed up and ready to compete!!!!
I swear that’s Dizon at age 20.
I knew it… Franco Columbu… God I AM old!
750 Lbs / 340,5 kg (in some training sessions, he was reported to have lifted over 780 Lbs / 354,12 kg, all at a bodyweight of less than 190 Lbs / 86,26 kg)