Sunday Classes!

Three five minute rounds:
10 push jerk (95/65)
15 KB swings
200m run

Rest two minutes between rounds.   

Squat snatch Isabel. Boom.

Sunday Classes.

Thanks for all the great input on the class schedule survey last week.  We’ve tallied the results and read through the comments and will be rolling out the expanded class schedule over the next few weeks.

We’re getting started THIS Sunday with the addition of Sunday group classes at 8 and 9am  Over 50 of you voted for Sunday group classes – so here they come!  And, Monday and Tuesday of this coming week you’ll see 4:30pm classes on the schedule.

And we’re just getting started.  Major additions to the morning and evening classes are coming soon.

9 Responses
  1. Karin – you are amazing in every way. A fiercely perfect photo. You need to post this in your office to intimidate your patients. Very inspiring – thanks for all you do for the family at Roots (and my own family too.)