Five rounds for time:
30 wallball (20/14)
15 GHD sit-ups

Updates, Reminders, and Coffee.
Yes, I realize the title of the post says “updates, reminders, and coffee” which, recalling from my 4th grade grammar and writing class, should make me remember to present the information below in that order. Whatever, we want to talk about coffee first. But we also want you to keep reading to learn about the updates and reminders.
Many of us have done it at some point in our life, yes you. We have given up coffee. We read an article, talked to a friend, or watched a news spot about all the negative effects of coffee – it will mess with your cortisol levels, it will ruin your sleep, and it will make you wrinkle and age quickly. And with this information we decided to do the unthinkable – we decided to go one week, one month, or some other dumb period of time without the black liquid gold. But no more!
Read this article. Smile. Be happy that health and fitness are not inhibited by your coffee addiction consumption.
The Case for Drinking as Much Coffee as You Like
– Thanks for the input on the class schedule. Changes and additions rolling out over the course of the next two weeks
– First additions, Sundays at 8 and 9am starting THIS WEEKEND. 4:30pm on Monday and Tuesday.
– Winter 2013 apparel pre-order ends Saturday!
– Hoodies in eight colors, sweatpants, and baseball caps. View the options here.
– Place your order on the clipboard at the shop
Read more on coffee at He thinks it’s the mold in coffee that is harmful and weakening. Caffeine apparently strengthens older muscles (or muscles in older people). Bulletproof coffee is a blend of drip coffee (mold-free of course), grass-fed butter (like Tibetan butter tea), and MCT oil. Throw in some cocoa powder and stevia, if you like.
butter in coffee?! i’m in. throw in some bacon for a well-rounded breakfast.
If we’re going off the deep end…let’s go all the way off.
Shane, I saw an episode of Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations where he went to a coffee shop in San Francisco and got a maple bacon latte. They used strained bacon fat. This place also happened to be a vegan cafe but somehow justified using bacon in their coffee. Go figure.
This reminds me of a nightmare I lived through on Thursday morning. The power was out in North Boulder when I woke up. Upon realizing this, I panicked at the thought of not being able to grind beans (Boxcar, natch) for coffee or light my range to boil water for said coffee (pourover, natch) and promptly flopped back into bed and pulled the covers up over my head.
Full disclosure: I basically live across the street from Ideal, Pekoe and Vic’s. And the power came back on after 24 minutes.
I will be useless when the zombie apocalypse happens.
Shane, you could drink it in an edible sweet potato cup (like soup in a bread bowl). Could someone briefly describe the dead lift portion (guessing from the whiteboard) part of today’s workout. I’m want to do it at work.
8-8-8-8 Romanian Deadlifts
once again… OOH YEAH!
Studies continue to show the benefits of hops (and beer in general). Now they’re saying coffee is fantastic for you. If someone could come out with a studying outlining the positive effects of bacon maple bars, that would be fantastic! Thanks.