CrossFit Open WOD 11.1
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches
The Power snatch loads are as follows:
Men and Masters Men 45-49, 50-54: 75lbs/35kg
Women and Masters Women 45-54: 55lbs/25kg
Masters Men 55-59, 60+: 65lbs/30kg
Masters Women 55-59, 60+: 45lbs/20kg
Read up on the workout standards here.

Coaches Series: Why I’m Doing the Open, Part 4
Over the past three days Lucie, Zac, and Ali each shared their reasons for doing the CrossFit Open which starts THIS COMING Thursday at Roots. Still haven’t signed up? 104 of your fellow Roots athletes have! Sign-up here.
Next up, Blaine. Check out his top five reasons for doing the open:
1) To test my progress. I wasn’t able to compete in the open last year because I was traveling back from Afghanistan. However, I did accomplish many of the workouts for the fun and camaraderie I was able to compete/participate in the 2011 open and had a great time. Using the hopper definition, I can measure my fitness by my capacity to perform a variety of tasks in relation to my cohort. Therefore, I can compare my ranking to the previous two years and have a decent measuring stick of my fitness progress.
2) Pride. Being in the military and having gone to a military college, I have friends spread out all around the world. All of us were pretty athletic at one point or another and none of us want to be the first to become an old, fat man. The opens provide an objective view on who has been letting their fitness slip the most. I played offensive line in college and at one point in time weighed 298 pounds. I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder from those days and want to beat them all!
3) It’s fun! No matter your fitness level, everyone experiences butterflies before a workout and feels like they are in unimaginable pain after. Experiencing these feelings and conquering your fears with your friends and community facilitates and environment for bonding.
4) It’s real. There is something very real, humbling, scary, and sincere when you are forced to expose your weaknesses. This stuff isn’t easy. It can break anyone mentally or physically. It says something about a person when they’re willing to put it all on the line for everyone to see.
5) Competition. Competition makes us all better and provides motivation to push for one more repetition or to finish a set unbroken that we wouldn’t have otherwise.