The 2014 Spring Olympic Weightlifting Meet at CrossFit Roots

Reminders!  Classes at 7:30 and 8:30am this morning!  Stay to watch the Roots Spring Oly Meet!  

AND don’t forget!  Roots welcomes Diane Sanfillipo, author of Practical Paleo, to Roots on Sunday for a presentation and book signing!  Details and RSVP info HERE.  We hope you can join us!

In teams of three, complete the following:
Run 600 Meters
90 D-Ball over shoulder (150/100)

Run 600 Meters
180 Double Unders
Run 600 Meters
90 DB Thruster (90/60)
Run 600 Meters with sled (135/90)

With movement standards, there is either yes or no.  There is no "it was close", "good enough", "because you tried really hard we'll count it", or "whatever."  We've always loved the statement, "if you have to ask, it probably didn't count."  Gavin doesn't have to ask on his chest-to-bar pull-ups - they are a YES.
With movement standards, there is either yes or no. There is no “it was close”, “good enough”, “because you tried really hard we’ll count it”, or “whatever.” We’ve always loved the statement, “if you have to ask, it probably didn’t count.” Gavin doesn’t have to ask on his chest-to-bar pull-ups – they are a YES.

The 2014 Spring Olympic Weightlifting Meet

Come cheer on your fellow Roots Crew at the 2014 Olympic Weightlifting Meet.
Meet Schedule:
8:45am – 9:30am Women’s registration/weigh-in/check-in *registration closes at 9:30am
9:45am Lifter Meeting (women)
10:00am – 11:15 Women’s flight (snatch/c&j)
11:15-11:45 Men’s registration/weigh-in/check-in immediately following women’s flight
12:00 Lifter meeting (Men)
12:15pm – 1:30pm Men’s flight (snatch/c&j)
1:45pm Awards Ceremony/Athlete Social/beer

Questions?  Post to comments.

2 Responses
  1. Maura

    When I first read the workout, I thought I better show up at 7am and get going. Then I saw “in teams of three.” Sweet relief. Sort of.