Crocktoberfest 2014

Clean and Jerk
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Jake made it through all 40 muscle-ups in the workout last week.  Word.
Jake made it through all 40 muscle-ups in the workout last week. Word.

Crocktoberfest 2014

Less than one week until it goes down!

Join us for Roots’ 4th Annual Paleo Crocktoberfest crock-pot cooking contest!  Bring your favorite crock-pot creation and compete against your fellow athletes for the title of Roots’ Ultimate Crocktologist!

Sunday, October 5th – 4:30pm


There will be 3 categories of competition – Entrees, Desserts, and Crocktails.  There will be winners named for each category.

You do not have to compete to attend but if you are not entering a crock, please bring a side or drink to share.

Doors open at 4:30pm.  Judging starts at 5pm.  Eating starts as soon as the judges have had an opportunity to taste each of the entries.

Click the registration link to view full rules and details of the competition.

Questions?  Post to comments.