The 12 Day Reboot – DAY 12!

DAY 12 of the 12 Day Reboot
No alcohol, no sugar, lights out by 9:30pm, eat more greens, plan your weekly menu. See below for more info.

Sign-up for Charlie and Shane’s shoulder health clinic next Tuesday, January 19th, 6pm-7:30pm.

Front Squat

January 2016
How about those overhead lunges?!

It’s the final day!  Of course, you can keep any or all of these commitments going as long as you want, and today’s challenge keeps it alive for another week.

Day 12 (to be completed January 13th)
Spend 30 minutes planning your food for the next seven days. Research meals online. Make a list. Go to the grocery store and get the needed items. Make it happen for the next seven days.

Planning for a week can be intimidating so here are a few tricks I’ve learned over the years.

  • Make enough of every recipe so that you have leftovers.
  • Make a big breakfast casserole Sunday night and that should get you at least halfway through the week before you need another.
  • Get rid of the mindset that breakfast has to be particular foods only.  Leftovers can work great for breakfast too.
  • Slow cooker recipes are great for making delicious meals without actually spending all your free time in the kitchen.
  • Buy a new recipe book.  It’s like a new Lulu top for women; Gets them back in the gym almost immediately.  You’ll be planning and cooking in no time.

We’ve given you some recipe ideas in past Reboot Days but we’ll post the sites again in case you missed it.  Please add your own favorites to the comments.

NomNom Paleo
Paleo Leap
Balanced Bites

4 Responses
  1. PMart

    well…you got me. i thought i was set to complete all 12 days of this challenge but this one is a “no way, no how” for me. i’ve tweaked, eliminated, added, modified, experimented with food and meal planning over these last few decades (scary, huh?!) and think i’ve got this pretty well dialed in now.

  2. Lindsey Lettvin

    Ok–menu planning done. I am a planner and this is what helps me:
    -sitting down at my computer and looking at recipe ideas online for inspiration, then putting them in my calendar on my phone for 5pm that day (so I don’t forget what I am scheduled to make).
    -writing my grocery list with all ingredients needed to buy from the recipes minus the ones I have in my kitchen already. When I make my list, I make sure to include healthy snacks like apples and nut butters, bananas for smoothies, cocounut milk and meat sticks, too.
    -thinking about making enough for leftovers–I eat dinner leftovers for lunch the next day almost every week day
    This has been a fun re-set for the New Year!! Thanks Coaches for all of the help and advice. I feel so much more “even” and calm when I don’t eat sugar.

  3. shaynalarsen

    I keep saying I need to do this. I’m taking inspiration from Tiffany on this one. Going to plan the type of protein for each night and get enough veggies for the week. It feels less rigid that way (maybe it’s just in my mind).