Stick It

5 rounds for time:
Run 400m
15 overhead squats (95/65)
Nancy is part of the Yearly Benchmark Series. Log your score!

Trevor and I are pleased to announce that a very important movie in our lives has finally been recognized for the masterpiece that it is.
USA Today broke the story late last night when it recognized the 2006 movie Stick It as the perfect follow-up to the excitement of the 2016 Women’s USA Gymnastics Team.
Can’t Get Enough Olympic Gymnastics? It’s Time to Re-Watch ‘Stick It’
Get your mind out of the gutter and realize that this movie is about REAL GYMNASTICS. Ok maybe not, but it’s funny, and we may own the DVD.
If you’re looking for the best next choice in your Netflix queue, this is the obvious choice. Duh.

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