5 Buckets of Death

For time:
Run 800 meters
100 push-ups
100-meter bear crawl
Run 800 meters
50 handstand push-ups
50-meter handstand walk
Run 800 meters

“In the end, chronic disease is a deficiency syndrome. It is sedentation with malnutrition.” ~ Greg Glassman
In Glassman’s latest article he separates the causes of death in the US into 5 categories that I believe was referred to as “The 5 Buckets of Death” in a CrossFit Instagram post. The buckets are as follows:

  • Chronic Disease: obesity, coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer (95% of cancers as of now), Alzheimer’s, peripheral artery disease, advanced biological aging, drug addiction, among others
  • Variants: kinetic, genetic, toxic, and microbic
  • Kinetic: physical trauma, car crash, hit on a bike
  • Toxic: environmental toxins (lead poisoning)
  • Genetic: genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis (things you’re born with)
  • Microbic: virus, bacteria, prions

He explains that today’s medical system has no real treatment for chronic disease and yet it covers 70% of deaths in the US. Treatment is symptomatic only. CrossFit, on the other hand, he claims, can give you a pass. Sounds like a bold statement, I know, so give it a read and see if he convinces you.
Post thoughts to comments and see you all at the Anniversary party!

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