Update Your SugarWOD

CrossFit Kids class this Saturday9am -9:40am! Bring your 5-9 year old for Kids class this Saturday morning, December 10thMiddle School and High School at 10am.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
50 double-unders
100-ft. walking lunge
100-ft. bear crawl

November 2016
Gavin with a deep squat clean!

Athletes, the folks over at SugarWOD have recently made some changes to make the app faster, stronger, and more flexible (it’s like a WOD for software). In order to continue using the app we all need to update to the latest version. If you’ve updated in the past 3 months then you already have it and you should be good to go. Make sure you update by January 15th or you won’t be able to access SugarWOD on your phone.
Android users: UPDATE