On the First Day of CrossFit Roots, My Coaches Gave to Me…

The 12 Days of CrossFit Roots
1 – rope climb
2 – bar muscle-up
3 – row 50m
4 – handstand push-up
5 – overhead squat (95/65)
6 – burpee box jumps (up and over)
7 – KB swings (24/16)
8 – hang power clean (135/95)
9 – toes-2-bar
10 – wall ball
11 – hand release push-up
12 – pistol

There’s always time to squeeze in a workout during the Holiday Season. Make your schedule!

It’s the most wonderful time, of the year…
Today’s the day! Come on in for this much anticipated seasonal workout!  Not sure you can do all the movements?  No problem, remember we’ll always scale or modify.
The workout goes just like the song…
On the first day of CrossFit Roots, my coaches gave to me, one rope climb.
On the second day of CrossFit Roots, my coaches gave to me, two bar muscle-ups, and one rope climb.
On the third day of CrossFit Roots, my coaches gave to me, 150m of rowing, two bar muscle-ups, and one rope climb. 
Proceed through your reps just like the song. 
You’re done when you’ve completed 12 down to 1. 


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