For time:
15 muscle-ups
205-lb. squat clean, 1 rep
225-lb. squat clean, 1 rep
245-lb. squat clean, 1 rep
255-lb. squat clean, 1 rep
265-lb. squat clean, 1 rep
Murph a Success!
Thank you to everyone who came out for Memorial Day Murph. It was a great success.
A special thanks to the folks who went in the 10am heat for their understanding. We’ll be sure to get more spots on the calendar for next year! Also thanks to everyone who contributed to the great potluck spread!
Sore from Murph? Remember, the best remedy for soreness is to move your body – so get in for today’s workout!
That was great! I’m not sure what my excuse was for missing it last year, but I don’t plan on missing this again. I looked around the room at one point and was just blown away at all the activity; it was crazy, in a great way. Nicole’s history lesson on Memorial Day and the call for a moment of silence before throwing down was a class act, and put us all on our a-game.